Dear Cecilia, Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library.
يعني كه روي پرده ديدينش و چقدر دل ما هم خواست..
میرزا: Joe Wright
در انتظار دانلود به سر میبریم!!!!(علامت حسرت)
Such a photo
میرزای ذلیل مرده
عجب رنگی داره لباس این خانمه
من عاشق رنگ سبز هستم هر سبزی به غیر
از کاهوئي که خیلی بدم یاد
ولی این عجب رنگی است واه واه واه ورپریده ....کیل بیل فرمانده
let us go then, you and I
when the evening is spread out against the sky
like patient etherized upon a table
let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
the muttering retreats
of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
and sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
streets that follow like a tedious argument
of insidious intent
to lead you to an overwhelming question....
oh, do not ask, "what is it?"
let us go and make our visit
And I`m All Alone . . .
ببخشید میشه بگید این عکس کی و تو چه فیلمیه؟مرسی.
میرزا: keira knightley است در فیلم Atonement
مرسی که جواب دادین ! شما و نوشته هاتون _ هر دو _ فوق العاده این ! خوش به حالتون !
seems like it was yesterday when i saw your face ... you told me how proud your are but i walked away .